Kernza flour - 4 lb bag

Kernza flour - 4 lb bag


Kernza, a perennial grain developed by The Land Institute is an intermediate wheatgrass that is popularly used for baking and brewing. The flour can be used in a 1:1 ratio to bread flour and adds a nutty, sweeter profile to rising breads. It can also be used by itself for other non-rising baking recipes.

Perennial grains do not have to be planted annually and Kernza specifically has deep root systems similar to native prairie grass roots. This means it helps with soil erosion, sequesters more carbon from the atmosphere, enhances soil biological diversity, reduces the need for fertilizer and fossil fuels and eliminates the need for pesticides.

Simply Google Kernza yourself to see all of the great recipes there are available at your fingertips!

4 lb resealable bag

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So why is Kernza® flour more expensive than regular wheat flour? Well, for one, there is a big yield difference between Kernza® and annual wheat. It also provides some major ecological benefits that annual wheat does not, like long deep roots that absorb more water when it floods and can access more water in drought. Those deep root systems also help build soil structure, increase organic matter in soils so they can be more resilient to severe climactic conditions, and fill grain kernels with nutrients and minerals found deeper in the soil profile. It also helps clean water and air! And because Kernza® is a newer grain, the supply chain infrastructure has not yet caught up, making it more of a small batch system than a larger one. We hope you will give Kernza® flour a try and feel good about all the ecological benefits this grain provides! It’s going to help transform agriculture for the betterment for all of us!