How to buy
We make buying and receiving our farm fresh meats, eggs, and dry goods convenient for you.
Purchase a whole or half
Purchase a whole or half animal customized for your needs. Simply visit our farm store, purchase a deposit for a whole or half, and we will contact you with processing information, dates, the how-to's and answer any questions you may have. Sorry, shipping is not available.
Join our meat CSA
Visit our farm store and sign up for a small, medium or large CSA share. Purchase in 3 and 6 month increments. Shares are delivered monthly to a pick-up location nearest you.
Pick-up locations include: On-farm, Charles City, Mason City, Clear Lake, and Cedar Falls
Currently, we only ship to the upper Midwest via Speedee Delivery service. We ship for free once a month, the first Monday of every month. Any shipping needed outside of that timeframe is a $15 charge.
Join one of our local buying clubs
Contact us to join one of our local buying clubs for info on pick-up days and times. You can order a la carte through our farm store and choose the pick-up location nearest you. No shipping charges, it's that easy.
Buying club locations include: Charles City, Mason City, Clear Lake, and Cedar Falls.
Through our online farm store
Visit our farm store, purchase online then choose your shipping option or pick-up location.
Pick-up locations include: On-farm, Charles City, Mason City, Clear Lake, and Cedar Falls. We also can arrange drops in Osage and Waverly. If you live in or near one of these communities it is pick up only. We do not ship there.
For our frozen meats: Currently, we only ship to the upper Midwest. We use Speedee Delivery Service that provides next day to 2-day shipping. We ship for free once a month, the first Monday of every month. Any shipping needed outside of that timeframe is a $15 charge. Please note your needs at checkout.
For our dry goods: We ship nationwide anytime. We charge a flat rate fee of $10 for honey, maple syrup and/or flour and a $2.50/item fee.
Please note: We do not ship eggs.