Half pig deposit

Half pig deposit


A half pig will provide you with over 75 lbs of delicious pork. You get to choose how you want it cut, sliced and seasoned. We highly recommend you bring home and use every part of your pig. Here is an average breakdown of how much pork you will receive:

8 lbs bacon

12 lbs chops

15 lbs ham (can make some into sausage or steaks if not a ham fan)

10 lbs shoulder roast

4 lbs butt roast

5 lbs stew bones

3 lbs spare ribs

9-10 lbs ground/sausage

7-8 lbs pork fat

5 lbs organ meats (very healthy for you and your beloved pets)

Once your order of deposit is placed, we will contact you to go over your cut order sheet with you. If you know exactly what you want, perfect! Just email it to us.

$5.99 per pound (based on hanging weight) INCLUDES processing (processing charges are on average $200-$300). Average total cost for a whole pig with processing is $900-$1000.

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